President of the Azerbaijan Republic quoted regarding SOCAR Polymer

From President Ilham Aliyev’s video-meeting with Fabrizio Di Amato, chairman of a delegation from Marie Tecnimont Group (Italy)03 February 2021
“I have looked through information about your activity in Azerbaijan, and of course, I remember the plant opening ceremony in Sumgayit. President Mattarella and I attended that grand event together. In general, your company has been involved in Azerbaijan in projects worth more than 1.6 billion euros, and I think this trend will continue because you have already demonstrated your commitment to our country. Your remark about the number of local citizens employed for your activities also demonstrates your commitment and your long-term strategy regarding Azerbaijan. You wouldn’t have done all these if you hadn’t been planning to stay in business here for long. At first, only Italians were employed, while now the local nationals constitute more than 70% of your local staff. So, you have contributed to trainings and that’s very important, too.”

From the President İlham Aliyev’s speech at the opening of the face mask factory and protective coverall plant of “Gilan Textile Park” LLC in Sumgayit city12 May 2020
In general, the development of Sumgayit today is largely associated with the industrial potential of the city. I am told that 95 percent of Gilan Textile Park employees are residents of Sumgayit. In recent years, dozens of new enterprises have been established in Sumgayit, and I participated in their opening. Among them, I would like to specifically mention two giant flagship enterprises – a nitrogen fertilizer plant and a polymer plant. The state invested heavily in the construction of these plants. However, the operation of other plants has been organized exclusively by the private sector – of course, with the support of the state which allocates land plots. As you know, there are two industrial parks in Sumgayit - the Sumgayit technology park and the Sumgayit chemical industry park. The Sumgayit Chemical Industry Park covers an area of tens of hectares. New infrastructure projects have been implemented in this completely cleared area. The private sector also successfully operates in this park as several enterprises open here every year. Thus, Sumgayit has become the second largest industrial city not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the South Caucasus. In contrast to the Soviet era, the industrial enterprises operating here today meet all environmental standards.

From President İlham Aliyev’s speech at the opening of the main gas pipeline laid from Aghdara village of Khizi district to the city of Sumgayit24 April 2020
As for the industrial potential of the city, Sumgayit has been developing very successfully in industrial terms in recent years. Many important projects have been implemented here. The Sumgayit Technology Park has been operating here for many years. There are more than 10 plants there. In addition, the Sumgayit Chemical Industry Park was established here. On this vast territory covering hundreds of hectares of land, all infrastructure projects and cleaning work was implemented by the state, ushering both public and private investment there.

Two giant industrial enterprises were built in Sumgayit – the polymer and the urea plants considered the flagships of Azerbaijani industry. These enterprises will fully meet domestic needs and also create extensive export opportunities. The significance of these exports is in the fact that they are non-oil exports. And our main goal is to develop the non-oil industry and increase non-oil exports.

I should note that there is a crisis in the world today. It is possible to say that economic relations between countries are somewhat disrupted and economic activity around the world has subsided. Despite this, growth in the non-oil industry in Azerbaijan in three months constitutes 23 percent. A significant part of this has been achieved at the expense of new industrial enterprises. Thus, by creating these enterprises, we provide for domestic needs, eliminate dependence on imports and provide citizens with jobs. Thousands of jobs have already been created in Sumgayit. In recent years, I personally participated in the opening of all industrial and infrastructure facilities in Sumgayit. Over the past 16 years, I have probably visited Sumgayit about 30 times. I take personal interest in the development of the city and keep all issues under control.

From Ilham Aliyev’s closing speech at the conference dedicated to results of first year implementation of the State Program on socio-economic development of regions in 2019-202303 February 2020
At the same time, the production of finished products in the industrial sector is also on our agenda. For example, the SOCAR Polymer plant was commissioned and we are exporting polymers now. The countries we export to produce finished products from polymers and then sell them to us. Therefore, we should create clusters here ourselves and, if necessary, the state will provide support so that polymer products are manufactured in Azerbaijan and the money stays in our country. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this issue as well.

From the opening speech President Ilham Aliyev who chaired a meeting on the results of cotton-growing season and the measures to be taken in 202019 December 2019
On my initiative, there is also a fertilizer plant and a polymer plant. In other words, we can now already produce finished products from polymers. So, all these steps are aimed at making our country stronger, so that it develops rapidly, and people are provided with work.

From Ilham Aliyev’s speech at the 70th anniversary celebration of Sumgayit21 November 2019
There are 20 residents in the Sumgayit Chemical Industry Park. Investments made are estimated in billions of dollars. These include “SOCAR Polymer”, carbamide and other plants built by the state. The private sector is also showing great interest. Therefore, Sumgayit today is a modern industrial city, the second top industrial city of the South Caucasus. Sumgayit enterprises annually produce goods worth about 2 billion manats. Thus, Sumgayit will continue to develop as an industrial city.

A meeting on socio-economic issues chaired by Ilham Aliyev31 July 2019
In the first six months of this year, our economy has grown by 2.4 percent and the non-oil sector by 3.2 percent. The most gratifying indicator is associated with the non-oil industry whose growth constituted 15.7 percent. This indicates that our industrialization policy of recent years has been producing excellent results. The non-oil industry is progressing at a record pace. Of course, the role of large enterprises commissioned in that sector this year is quite large. As you know, the carbamide plant and the SOCAR Polymer plant have been put into operation, and their production volumes are fairly large. At the same time, necessary steps are being taken to develop small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, the 15.7-percent growth of our non-oil industry in the first six months of the year is certainly very gratifying.

Launch ceremony of the PP plant constructed under the “SOCAR Polymer” project18 July 2018
“With the commissioning of the polypropylene plant to be followed by that of the polyethylene plant at the end of this year, Azerbaijan’s export potential will be significantly increased. Both plants will manufacture 300,000 tons of products annually, of which 70% will be exported to foreign markets. Thus, Azerbaijan will completely eliminate its dependence on imports and our country will have a large volume of non-oil exports. This is precisely the goal we pursue in the economic sphere and in the field of industrial production. This plant is the manifestation of the successful economic and industrial policy Azerbaijan has pursued in recent years…

The plant will largely support the development of the non-oil sector in Azerbaijan. I am sure that this plant's operation will result in thousands and perhaps even tens of thousands of new employment positions because the feedstock produced by this plant will be used to manufacture end products and Azerbaijan will also eliminate its dependence on imports of such end products.”

Ministerial meeting dedicated to the social-economic development outcomes of the 1st half of 2018 and outstanding goals08 July 2018
“As we bolster national industrial base, two large capacity manufacturing facilities will enter operations in the short run. Both are located in Sumgait and will produce polymers and carbamide, respectively. They will saturate the domestic market phasing out import dependencies, and eventually grow into competitive export earners. I can say in confidence, that the launch of these two plants will be an event of paramount importance for our industrial base for all the years since sovereignty”.

Ministerial meeting dedicated to the outcomes of the 1st quarter of 2018 and outstanding goals09 April 2018
“Two giant plants, the SOCAR Polymer and nitrogen fertilizer plants will be put into operation this year to significantly boost our industrial development.”

Conference dedicated to the 4th-year implementation results of the 2014-2018 State Program for Social and Economic Development of Azerbaijan districts29 January 2018
“This year will see very significant industrial production inaugurations. Among them, I would like to emphasize the enterprises located in the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park…
And this year, the launching of the SOCAR Polymer Plant and fertilizer plant is planned. These two facilities will not only fully meet the domestic demand, but also present great export opportunities. The annual cumulative export capacity of the two plants will amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. At the same time, the plants – and the SOCAR Polymer Plant in particular – will give impetus to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, because its products will be used as feedstock for domestic production in Azerbaijan. Polymers are the products that nowadays play a role in the production of many a household item or industrial material. Therefore, the private sector should also be on the alert. As soon as the plant is launched, it should immediately be followed by setting up of local industrial production.”

At a meeting with the Sumgayit City community representatives15 December 2017
“Today, a number of production facilities are put into operation in the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park, while a few others enter the construction phase... As you see, within just one day seven enterprises are given impetus for secured operation in Sumgayit. If we add here the other residents of the Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park, we will see that it is indeed a huge industrial hub on a global scale.

The SOCAR Polymer and carbamide plants are currently under construction. The total investment into these two projects amounts to USD$1.7 billion. Thus, we shall both secure local production and local raw material supply, and create vast opportunities for export.”

Ministerial Cabinet meeting on the outcomes of the 1st quarter of 2017 and upcoming tasks10 April 2017
“I would like to draw entrepreneurs’ attention to a large project, namely, the SOCAR Polymer plant which is currently under construction at the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park. It is a huge industrial facility, with millions of US dollars invested into it. It will produce a useful product, which will be used both domestically and for export. However, I must emphasize that a very serious industrial sector can be created on the basis of this raw material. Now, we import almost all plastic items and ware from abroad, whereas SOCAR Polymer’s end products will create good opportunities for manufacturing ready plastic ware and items in Azerbaijan. It will be a very profitable business. Therefore, I am addressing government entities so that they explain it well to entrepreneurs that factories and plants can be established for applying SOCAR Polymer’s end product as raw material. Such developments imply creation of new jobs, more profit for entrepreneurs and better prices for our export products on foreign markets. Otherwise, SOCAR Polymer’s product will be exported only as raw material, which is good in itself, but I am sure that my advice will be heard and taken into account.”

Opening of the Heydar Aliyev Center in Sumgayit city27 September 2016
Two big industrial projects, both on Sumgayit city and country scale, will roll out in 2018. They are the “SOCAR Polymer” and “SOCAR Carbamide” plants. As it was mentioned here, launching of these facilities will create thousands of new jobs, and at the same time our export potential will grow, as we are going to export part of SOCAR Polymer products, whilst directing the other part to the domestic market for small and medium size entrepreneurs to use it as feedstock for the new production facilities they can establish. Production of plastic items will be launched, dependence on import will decrease and we will satisfy the local demand.
