SOCAR Polymer at SCIP’s roundtable for cooperation

On June 10, Sr Process Engineers, Nizam Zahidli and Javid Ahmadov represented SOCAR Polymer at an event held at the Vocational Training Center operating under the auspices of the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park (SCIP). Organized by SCIP LLC and supported by the AR Ministry of Economy, the event was dedicated to the topic of “University-industry cooperation: from OSTIM Technical University’s experience”.

Participating at the event were representatives of such SCIP residents as SOCAR Polymer LLC, ‘Azertexnolayn’ LLC, and STP LLC, as well as the representatives of relevant state bodies of Azerbaijan and Turkey, such as the Head of the Science & Higher/Secondary Vocational Education Department of AR Ministry of Education, the Deputy Rector of the Ganja State Science and Innovations University, the Rector of the Azerbaijan Technical University, the Chairman of OSTIM’s Board of Directors (Turkey), the Rector of OSTIM Technical University, and others.


The main objectives of the event were:

  • to ensure lasting cooperation between industrial and higher education facilities,
  • broad application of scientific potential in industries,
  • expansion of industrial park residents’ research, development, and innovation activity.


Videos describing the activity of Azerbaijan’s industrial parks, as well as that of Turkey’s OSTIM Technical University were demonstrated. OSTIM was introduced as a network that cooperates with the industrial sector by means of technoparks.

The event participants emphasized the significance of cooperation between universities and industrial facilities, the indispensable role of internship programs in professional cultivation of young specialists for the industrial sector, and SCIP’s having established such ties with many local and foreign education facilities. SCIP residents’ representatives reported on their respective companies’ experience of cooperating with many educational facilities. New opportunities under the given topic were discussed, including the fact that every year several students of the Azerbaijan Technical University would enrol in internship programs of the OSTIM Industrial Technopark.