On 20 May 2018, SOCAR Polymer started pumping propylene feedstock into the production line of the Polypropylene plant, the construction and commissioning progress of which had reached the 99.5 % level by the end of April. Feedstock propylene is supplied to the SOCAR Polymer plant by Azerikimya PU via a pipeline from a distance of 3 km where the Azerikimya Steam Cracker plant is located. The process of introducing propylene to the plant was conducted under joint supervision of the SOCAR Polymer, Fluor and Tecnimont teams.
Earlier in May, agreement was achieved between SOCAR Polymer and Azerikimya with all due forecasting and planning performed to arrange and ensure timely supply of feedstock propylene to the PP plant. Testing and commissioning of all the related systems were implemented by KT-Kinetics Technology, with appropriate adjustments made to the pipeline delivery system on both the Azerikimya and PP plant ends. Once SOCAR Polymer launches PP production, Azerikimya, with its production rate of 450 tons/day, shall stop serving other clients for propylene and deliver its full output volumes to the SOCAR Polymer plant to facilitate the PP plant’s reaching the full production capacity rate. For propylene storage purposes, there are about 20 storage tanks on the Azerikimya site with 4000 tons of storage capacity total.
The propylene is currently recirculated in 4 units of the PP production plant to flush the lines, including the loop reactors. The propylene used for flushing is then flared, to which visually testifies the flame at the top of the flare stack.
Launch of feedstock supply to a new plant is a major milestone achievement that brings a project closer to its culmination.